V Rising

New Server for V Rising open, hosted by Rusticaland. SteamIpv4:// SteamP2P://90198524628049940+…

Client Update

Greetings, the client updates/ Full client is online. As always, you can download it on our homepage, or update it with the launcher. Wipe and update of the Servers comes on Friday 8/9. Have fun, Crushed…

Launcher update.

Greetings, The Launcher got Updated yesterday, and should fix some issues with the updater. Other issues will be worked on, more actively again after a bit of a development break.…

Wiped & Updated

Greetings, The servers are now Wiped and updated. Have fun! Crushed…

New Client

Greetings, The new client is now up for download on our website Rusticaland.net. V2392 . Update&Wipe will be tomorrow  ~2PM…


Greetings, This month , we got 1 day delay in the downloads and update/wipe. Downloads will be availible soon today, Wipe and update will happen tomorrow ~ 2PM Sorry for the delay, Crushed…

Wiped & Updated

Greetings, All Servers are now Wiped and updated , with 2 of them running custom maps. Have fun! Crushed.…