New Update Ready.

Greetings, The new update/client is ready to download , as usual from our Website Or trough updating your Client with our launcher. Some bad news tho, i will get to the wipe/Server update tomorrow. Today, theres not enough time for me. But now you can already download the update…


Greetings, The Server(s) have now being restarted and Wiped. New Map for both Servers , Size is 3K . Have fun! Crushed…

Launcher Download

Greetings, the broken Launcher download on our website is fixed and available for download again.…

Forum Down

Greetings, Sadly, our Discourse Forum is down for some time, due to lack of Staff. I can not maintain and give support for this right now as I'm working alone again. The data has been backed up, to potentially go online at a later date. Crushed…

Banlist Issues.

Greetings, We just had some issues with the autobans going rouge, also a bunch of bans in the lists that were somewhat unreasonable. Therefor, i just cleaned the whole banlist for the Server. But keep in mind,  you still will be banned if you use/used third party "tools&…

Wiped + Updated

Greetings. The Servers are now wiped and updated, Some new stuff: The Modded server will now run in Softcore, just as a test. Some anticheat additions, and soon Some Userinvolved managing stuff.…

New Client

The new Client is now out for download / update with the launcher. The servers will then update tomorrow/Later today…

Small delay.

Greetings, Yes im back from my vacation, and already on the new Client. Things will get some bit delayed, about ~ 1 day The Client will be ready for download / Update later today, Tomorrow then comes the server update.…