
Greetings, Both servers are now Wiped with new map. I'll continue my break from work here until the next full Wipe, and will be available at that time again, and will bring with me some updates to our ban/Anticheat system, making it more automated and instant.…

Server Saving Issues

Some Issues had prevented the Server from saving data, this has been resolved now, and vanilla server is restarting…

Server List Issues

Greetings, The issues , that the server wasn't appearing on the in game Server List have been resolved, as well as our Vanilla Server now appears on the "Community" tab as it should. Have fun!…

Wiped & Updated

Greetings, The servers have now been Wiped + Updated. Also did it got somewhat quiet from our side, we are currently taking some break from all this work, but we will be back in a short time to give support again.…


Greetings, the Client update is now ready to download from our website. The Server update + Wipe happens later today/tomorrow , so you all have time to get the new client / update your current one.…


Greetings. With this im announcing our new automatic unban. Everyone of you who got false banned, and no response on the forums, Can get now unbanned within 5 min. All you need todo is to run the game with our launcher. If you are really innocent and have not done…


Greetings. We now just wiped , as we do always halfway trough the month. This time ,to match the player count, we decreased the Map sizes to 3k again. Have fun!…


Greetings. Some upcomming changes as you may see, for one, the news page is a new one Also, the Forum will, for some short time, not be avalible. A special update to the launcher/our anticheat and bansystem will arrive aswell soon. As it does, the info will appear here.…