Wiped & Updated
Greetings, We just had a few issues with server starts, But the servers are now wiped, updated and running again. Make sure you updated your game to join. Have fun , Crushed.…
Greetings, We just had a few issues with server starts, But the servers are now wiped, updated and running again. Make sure you updated your game to join. Have fun , Crushed.…
Greetings, the Servers are now wiped and updated. Make sure you have the latest client to play, Have fun! Crushed…
Greetings, we just got a few issues with the database. Some recend posts will probably be missing. Crushed…
Greetings, sad to say, there has been another small update to rust, witch changed the Protocol Version. As its a bit much work to just Update all links and the client again, I modified a few things, to let people with the higher protocol join anyway. If you join with…
Greetings, We are now applying the Update to the Servers, And Wiping with new Maps. We also noticed some issues with the Launcher update aswell as problems with the Updater. We are working on the problem, and pushing an update for it soon. Crushed…
Greetings, Our client update is now available for download. You can update with the launcher or download the full client on our website. The Server will get wiped and updated later today. Crushed.…