Update Released
Greetings, today the new Client is already Released. A bit earlier then normally, so you can download already to be ready for wipe later today. Have fun. Crushed.…
Greetings, today the new Client is already Released. A bit earlier then normally, so you can download already to be ready for wipe later today. Have fun. Crushed.…
Greetings, Servers are now wiped again, and blessed with some Eggs. In addition, i put up our classic server again, with a mapsize of 4500, with a good reason. - The new Rail system, only generates on maps, of the size 4250 or above, so i wanted to see and…
Greetings, Servers are now restarted and wiped + Updated Latest client can be downloaded at rusticaland.com Mediafire - https://bit.ly/3LPJRsb Crushed…
Greetings, As of my misread of the calendar, i was mistaken that the next update would be this week, in fact it is next week. So for now, we "only" wiped the servers with new maps once more. Crushed…