Update Released

Greetings, today the new Client is already Released. A bit earlier then normally, so you can download already to be ready for wipe later today. Have fun. Crushed.…


Greetings, The OneGrid + Vanilla Server are now Wiped with a new Map, Blueprints Preserved. Have Fun, Crushed…


Greetings, For everyone, getting an error message from our website- We are working on fixing it. If you are looking for any Downloads, You can still reach our http downloads at https://rusticaland.com/ Crushed…


Greetings, This time it took a bit longer to get all done, but as for now, all Servers are Wiped & Updated. Other things that are new; The launcher got a Major update, which includes now -The ability to change your Auth Password for our servers!!- Along other fixes,…

Wiped, Easter

Greetings, Servers are now wiped again, and blessed with some Eggs. In addition, i put up our classic server again, with a mapsize of 4500, with a good reason. - The new Rail system, only generates on maps, of the size 4250 or above, so i wanted to see and…


Greetings, Care, to play WoW - on the last Cataclysm Patch?. As this was, the last Patch i really played on, back in the day,- before they butchered the Game, i took some time to setup a server , hosted by Rusticaland. Provided with a sign up page and client…

Server Restarted & Wiped

Greetings, Servers are now restarted and wiped + Updated Latest client can be downloaded at rusticaland.com Mediafire - https://bit.ly/3LPJRsb Crushed…

Servers restarted & Wiped

Greetings, As of my misread of the calendar, i was mistaken that the next update would be this week,  in fact it is next week. So for now, we "only" wiped the servers with new maps once more. Crushed…