Wiped & Updated!

Greetings, As every month, the Servers are now Wiped & Updated. We have the next Custom map on the OneGrid Server ( V12) We have the same map as last cycle on the Modded ( As it is pretty big, and awesome!) And On the Vanilla, Yet again a new Custom Map…

Issues on Vanilla

Greetings, As you may noticed, we got some issues on the Vanilla Server, The Server freezes at some point and players can not connect anymore. While we cannot say if this issue will show itself again, You can be assured that we are working on it with highest priority. You…


Greetings,   We now Wiped the servers again ( This time WITH Bp's  - As voted for ) Plus,- something real special,   All running Maps are custom ones. You got 2 weeks on it! Have fun! Crushed.…


Greetings, As the OneGrid is really not that big, A shorter wipe-Cycle is needed. We Just wiped the Server, and brought a new map. Have Fun! Crushed…

Next Promo

Greetings, Finally, we got a new Promovideo for the Server. Amazing work by our Team member "Death".…

Wiped again.

Greetings, Due to a savefile issue, and rollback from the Server, We just map-wiped the Vanilla server. Sorry for this. This time , we run on a new 3k map as voted. Have fun, Crushed…

Wiped & UpdateFix

Greetings! The Servers now have wiped & updated. This time i've gone for a 3,5k map, since the playercounter was quite high, and this month will be a long one. Also the Updater is now fixed and should be usable again! To everything else ( Like skins for…

Updater Problems

Greetings, We currently got some issues with the updater, We are trying to resolve this problems asap, For now,  only the full-client-download is available.…